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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
June 27th, 1904.

My dear Miss. Palmer:--

Since sending my letter to you of June 20th, I have received your two kind letters of the 22nd and 24th instant, also the three photographs; all of which are very interesting.

I am very thankful for you generous gift of the photograph of Mr. Whistler's mother, and shall take the best possible care of it. Will you also be good enough to extend my sincere thanks to your sister, Mrs. George D. Stanton, for the copy of the photograph of Major Whistler's Portrait, which I shall also take pains to carefully preserve.

The photograph of the two boys and the one of the miniature of Mr. Whistler's grandfather, also, as requested, the pencil sketch of the woman and the beautiful little map of England, are returned under separate cover by National Express.

It has been a real pleasure to see all of these articles, and I appreciate your kindness in having allowed me to do so. I note from your letter of the 24th instant that you have decided to keep the pencil portrait and the little map; and I feel that they really are of much greater value to your family than they would be to any outside collector of Mr. Whistler's work. Of course, every

Transcription Notes:
number 184 in upper left corner