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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
July 5th, 1904.

William S. Marchant, Esq.,
Goupil Gallery, 5 Regent St.,
London S. W.,

My dear Sir:--
I am sending you under separate cover a letter written in accordance with the suggestions contained in your recent favor. This letter you may show to Lord Battersea if you like. If you think it wiser not to, then we will let the matter drop where it is.

The six Cowan pictures came safely last week. The packing was well done, and I am much obliged to you for you kindness in the matter.

As yet, I have had no word from Mr. Cowan about the price of two extra pictures, but expect to hear something from him in the near future.

I am very much engaged to-day, and am hurting off this reply to catch the first steamer. Within a day or two, I will write you concerning the other items referred to in your letter.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer