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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
July 5th, 1904.

William S. Marchant, Esq.,
Goupil Gallery, #5 Regent St.,
London S. W.,

Dear Sir:--
Your full letter of June 24th is received and noted. Let me thank you for your correspondence on the subject of "The Gold Screen". The valuation placed by Lord Battersea on his picture is one which may be altogether right, but it exceeds the sum that I feel disposed to appropriate. This being the case, I am in doubt as to what course to pursue. I do not for a moment wish to even suggest that Lord Battersea's price is too high, and, at the same time, being willing to give £3,000 net to Lord Battersea and your usual commission to yourself, I feel it only just that you should know these facts. Now, whether or not it would be proper to submit these conditions to Lord Battersea, I question in my own mind. However, I am inclined to leave the matter entirely to your own discretion- so, if you deem it proper, you may show this letter to lord Battersea, or, if you prefer to suppress the letter, you may do so.
Please advise me of your action, and oblige,

Yours very truly,

Charles L Freer