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#33 Ferry Avenue,                     Detroit, Michigan,                           July 9th, 1904.

Eugene K. Frueauff, Esq.,
#811 West Huron Street,
Ann Arbor, Mich.

Dear Sir:--
Referring again to our interview of last week, my Japanese friend, Mr. Ushikubo, has been here and examined the four coins you left. He says that they are genuine specimens of Japanese coinage, but that they are neither very rare nor valuable. The larger piece,for instance, is worth about one penny. The two silver coins are worth practically their weight in silver; and the small gold coin, its value in gold. The pieces are not now in general circulation in Japan, but collectors can easily secure fine specimens.

I am returning to you the coins by mail, under separate cover, and I trust they will reach you promptly.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer