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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
July 11th, 1904.

H. Floury, Esq., 
#1, Boulevard des Capucines, 
Paris, France. 

Dear Sir:--
I acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of your kind letter of June 24th and its accompanying invoice.
The four copies of Mons. Duret's book on Whistler came safely to hand, and I thank you for your kind interest in the matter.
I am sending you herewith draft payable to your order for 120 francs.  For the extra 20 francs in excess of your invoice, I wish you would send to my friend, Mrs. F. Berkeley Smith, #13 Rue Gay-Lussac, Paris, one copy of Mons' Duret's book. I enclose my card, which I trust you will send with the book to Mrs. Smith. 
Thanking you again for your interest and for this added favor, I remain, 
Yours very sincerely, 
Charles L. Freer