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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
July 11th, 1904.

Dear Mr. Mayer:--

Your good letter of June 29th, with the accompanying invoice, came this morning, and I have much pleasure in remitting herewith draft on London, payable to your order for ₤ 572-8-0, in settlement of account to date.

I notice that you have omitted to charge for the packing cases and consular invoice, but these, I fancy, will follow the shipment.

I will be very glad to have the contents of the two cases which are now en route by the S. S. "Philadelphia".  Thank you very much for the attention you have given to all these matters.

I am delighted to know that you have secured the dado of the Leyland staircase decorated by Mr. Whistler, and I shall be glad, indeed, to see them here.

It is a pleasure to feel that the exhibition of the Peacock Room is going on so successfully.  The large attendance shows the real interest in the Master's work in the one particular place in the universe where it was originally most decried.  I shall be pleased to receive newspaper clippings.  Thus far, very