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#33 Ferry AVenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
July 12th, 1904.

My dear Mr. Cowan:--

A few days ago, I received, through Messrs. William Marchant & Company, the six small examples of Mr. Whistler's work, which you so kindly allowed me to have from your collection.

For the four originally purchased at £ 600, a check was sent to Mr. Marchant from here on June 13th, and the proceeds have, doubtless, reached you ere this; but, as yet, I am without advice from you as to the price of the oil painting, entitled "The Angry Sea", and the water-colour, "Oxtead, Surrey".

I am very much obliged to you for your kindness in letting me have this group of Mr. Whistler's art, and I should like very much to remit the sum due you for the two pictures above named.  Will you at your convenience favor me with the amount, and I will be pleased to promptly send the same direct to your Edinburgh address.

The reason I have not heard from you may be the result of your absence from home, or, possibly, your letter may have gone astray.

Hoping to hear from you soon, and with kind regards, I remain,

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L. Freer