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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
July 14th, 1904

My dear Montross:--

I have your letter of July 13th, enclosing your check on the Astor National Bank of New York City for $5,150.00, being payment of your promissory note for $5,000.00 and interest thereon, and I am dictating this hurried note from my residence to let you know of the safe arrival of the check, and to congratulate you upon the sale of your Tryon collection to Mr. Bixby.  At the time of Mr. Bixby's purchase, he sent me a line from New York, telling of what he had done, and, pf course, I took delight in promptly extending to him my congratulations.  I feel that you, too, are to be congratulated in finding so sympathetic a caretaker for your own treasures.  It must be a pleasure to you to find that your group of Tryon's work is permanently anchored in a private collection which promises to rank among the best of those in America.

As I am too much employed at my house to-day to go to the office, I cannot send you your promissory note and mortgage, but will do so either to-morrow or Saturday.

Thanking you for your remittance, I remain,

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L. Freer