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                              #33 Ferry Avenue,                             
                                      Detroit, Michigan,                                 
                                            July 18th, 1904.

Charles Edward Hooper, Esq.,
           Bush-Brown Studio
                Newburgh, N.Y.

Dear Sir:--

I have your letter of the 16th instant, enclosing a
note of introduction from my friend, Mr. Wilson Eyre. It of course affords me pleasure to co-operate with Mr. Eyre´s request concerning the photographs of the the two houses at Kingston, designed by Mr. Eyre. I am also pleased to do what I can to help in the work you have undertaken. I must tell you, however, that neither of the two houses designed by Mr. Eyre for me and built at Kingston are my property. One belongs to my brother, Watson M. Freer, whose address is Maple Lane, Kingston, Ulster County, N.Y. The other house is owned by my sister, Miss. Emma F. Freer, whose address is Kingston, Ulster County, N.Y.

At present, my sister is spending the summer away from Kingston, but my brother Watson has charge of my sister´s house in her absence, and if you will communicate with him, he will let you know when it will be convenient for him to have you call and make the contemplated photographs.