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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
July 18th, 1904.

Dear Watson:--
I enclose herewith a letter from Mr. Wilson Eyre, introducing Mr. Charles Edward Hooper, who is writing a book on "The Country House", and desires to take photographs of your house, and, I presume, Frank's house as well. I send you herewith the correspondence, including a copy of my reply to Mr. Hooper.
You will see that in writing Mr. Hooper, I have said to him that I would request you to correspond with him, letting him know when he could call upon you and make his photographs. Will you kindly communicate with him, fixing a time when you can conveniently see him.
Eyre is a very nice chap, and I always do what I can for him. I imagine that Hooper is all right, or Eyre would not have introduced him.

Yours ever.

Watson M. Freer, Esq.,
Kingston, N.Y.