Viewing page 331 of 527

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Of course, your friends in America are delighted with the success of your countrymen in their struggle with the Russians, and we are all hoping for your success.  Thus far, you have out-generaled them in every way, but you must get hold of the Valdivostock squadron.  Why doesn´t your Government send Admiral Togo after them?  He would polish them off before breakfast. 

With all good wishes, I remain, 
Yours faithfully, 
Charles L Freer

P.S. Let me know in advance when you will reach Detroit, in order that I may surely be here at the time of your arrival.

I am glad to know of your lecture on Mr. Whistler before the Tokio Art Association.

Bunkio Matsuki, Esq.,
#2 Kanomachi, 
Kobe, Japan. 

Transcription Notes:
reopened: handwritten portion at end has not been transcribed. also, changed a -5- at the top of page to -3-; add the word all to the phrase we are all hoping for your success; correct spelling of squadron; correct signoff to Yours (not your) faithfully