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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
July 29th, 1904.

Dear Mr. Freer:---
I received your telegram sent from Great Barrington this morning, and note that you will be at the Waldorf, Saturday night; at Kingston, Sunday afternoon; and home Monday morning, by the Wabash.

I have notified the butler to that effect.

This morningĀ“s mail brought the following letters:--
No. 24. from Reade Manufacturing Co.,
No. 25 from Stevens & Brown, London,
No. 26 from Mr. Marchant, London,
No. 29 from Mr. Bing, Paris.

The butler reports everything all right at the house.

A letter received yesterday from Col. Hecker says the weather is unusually fine for the Isthmus, and that he continues in good health.

Trusting you are well, 
Your very truly,
JM Kennedy

Charles L. Freer, Esq.,
C/o Waldorf-Astoria Hotel,
New York City.