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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 1st, 1904.

My dear Montross:-- 

Your good letter of the 28th ultimo is received, containing your check for $2,500.00, to refund the amount loaned you on account of the Schilling etching. As I have heretofore said, I have long since felt this sum put away in the good cause, but, as you insisted upon its repayment, I gave way, and now that the matter is closed up, it seems, after all, that your judgment in the matter was better than mine. 

You must have had a very charming visit at Portland. I have heard no details from the ladies beyond the mere fact that they had seen you, but am expecting a full account by early mail. 

I passed through New York on Saturday evening, last, but as my train did not arrive until 6:30, and as I left early Sunday morning, I had no opportunity, of course, to look you up. When I am next there, I shall hope for the pleasure of a good chat with you.
Thanking you for the check, and with all good wishes, I remain, 
Yours very sincerely, 
Charles L Freer

N. E. Montross, Esq., 
#372 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.