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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 1st, 1904.

My dear Mr. Canfield:--
Your kind telegram and letter of the 26th instant were received here and forwarded to me at the Berkshires, where I spent a few days last week.
I knew you would enjoy with me the pleasure and satisfaction of bringing to this country "The Gold Screen." I fancy it is now crossing the Atlantic, and should be here within a few days. As soon as I have definite knowledge of its arrival, I will communicate more fully with you, and as soon as the picture is in Detroit, I hope you will come out and spend two or three days with me. By that time, all my group of Mr. Whistler's things will be here, excepting the few pastels which are now on exhibition in St. Louis. We shall have a few days of quiet enjoyment here together, and I think we can both learn something of mutual interest by comparing notes and discussing the work of the Master as we shall find it here.

Word comes concerning the Forbes pictures of rather a mixed nature. You will remember, I told you that a part of them were under Marchant's control, and the others in the hands of Obach. The two small marines in the Obach end, I have just been