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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Mich.,
August 8th, 1904.

Dear Mr. Cowan:--

During a recent absence from Detroit, your good letters of July 24th and 28th were received, my letter of July 18th having been sent just before the writing of yours of the 24th.

You will see from that letter that the price you mentioned for "The Angry Sea" and the little water-colour, called "Oxstead, Surrey" is entirely satisfactory to me. "I shall continue to call the little water-colour by the name you gave it, and which Mr. Whistler approved, namely: "Oxtead, Surrey", and I thank you very much for the information concerning it."

Again thanking you for your generous aid in behalf of my collection of Mr. Whistler's work, I remain, with all good wishes,

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer

J. J. Cowan, Esq.,
#38 West Register Street,
Edinburgh, Scotland.