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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit Michigan,
August 15th, 1904.

My dear Mr. Morse:--
I had a fine opportunity yesterday to look more carefully through the two volumes of reproductions of Korin's paintings, which you so kindly loaned me. My opinion of the quality of the things reproduced has changed somewhat from my first impressions gathered from a hasty look through the books. A few of the specimens seem to me very fine; still, there are quite a large number which seem to me of little comparative importance. A few of the specimens are beautifully reproduced, particularly the one used for the decoration of the outside cover. I am greatly obliged for your kindness in having loaned me the books, and I am returning them to-day by American Express. I hope they will reach you in perfect condition.

I enclose for your information a note from James Tregaskis, a dealer in rare books in London, with whom I have had transactions for some years, and with it there goes to you a copy of a catalogue of some Japanese prints which he has for sale. You may have already received the catalogue. If not, you will possibly find something of interest in it. Do not take the trouble to return either the note or the catalogue. 
With kind regards,
Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer