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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
April 28th, 1904.

My dear Mr. Matsuki:-
Your letter of April 5th, accompanied by the photograph of the Sotatsu screen, came to me in this morning's mail. I am glad to have both your letter and the pretty photograph.
The screen seems to me to be a beautiful one, and I only hesitate in requesting you to purchase it because of the fact mentioned in your letter, that is, I already have so many screens of fan subjects. Therefore, I think, on the whole, that I had better not purchase this one. Some day, undoubtedly, some other very important specimen of Sotatsu's work will appear.
If the Daitokuji should sell its treasures this year, there will, doubtless, come from it some wonderful specimens. Perhaps it would be better to let the Sotatsu screen wait until after a decision is reached by the Daitokuji, or, what may be better, possibly the owner of the [[Daitokuji crossed out]] [[faint word written above?]] screens would be willing to let you bring them over with you on approval when you come to Detroit. In this event, we could compare them directly with the Koyetsu and other screens in my collection. They could be shipped in bond to Detroit, so that if I did not care to keep them, they could be returned to Japan without the payment of any duty. I would