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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
September 5th, 1904.

D.J.R. Ushikubo, Esq.,
#254 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.

My dear Sir:--
Your letter of the 2nd instant is received, and I am glad to know that your outing proved so enjoyable. I hope your health is improved and that you are well equipped for the winter's work before you.
Thanks for your kindness in agreeing to forward copies of "The Far East" to Professor Rice of Williamstown, Massachusetts.
It is a pleasure to know that Mr. S. Yamanaka has secured some of the important paintings mentioned. It seems to me that the present must be an excellent time for purchases of a high order in Japan. If the few kakemono and the screen which you are expecting turn out to be really fine, I would be glad to have you send them here for my examination, as I am not expected to be in New York until sometime in October.
Kobayashi and his friend, Mr. Homma, who owns the very fine Hokusai are now en route to Detroit. I expect them here in about ten days. They have sent in advance, a wonderful group of