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Hokusai's paintings on kakemono and screens. I believe that they are by far the finest specimens of Hokusai's painting I have thus far seen. Kobayashi writes me that it is Mr. Homma's intention to sell his collection and to, possibly, make an exhibition while in this country. If he sells his collection, Kobayashi says Mr. Homma will give the proceeds to the war relief fund. I am sending you this news for your personal information. You may write it to Mr. Yamanaka, if you wish, but please caution him to make no mention of it in Japan.

Did Mr. Yamanaka buy the wonderful Motonobu's in Myoshingi?

The battle of Liao Yang will, undoubtless, go on record as one of the fiercest in history. Tremendous bravery appears to have been shown on both sides, and, up to latest reports, your own countrymen seem to have won a tremendous victory. How interesting complete details of the battle will prove when they are correctly given! I suppose the fight in many details will be a revelation and furnish new ideas to even the greatest European experts. I need not, I am sure, tell you how delighted I am with the pluck, power and courage shown by your countrymen.

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer

P.S. Thank you for the pretty postal cards.