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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
April 28th, 1904.

Dear Mr. Tomkinson:--

I am glad to have your kind letter of the 15th instant. I shall send on your list of kakemono to Mr. Ushikubo, the New York Manager of Messrs. Yamanaka & Company, and ask him to look into it carefully with a view to his joining me in purchasing the entire lot. On Tuesday next, May 3rd, I shall be in New York, and shall then talk the matter over fully with Mr. Ushikubo. Of course, I shall caution him to treat the matter confidentially. 

On Wednesday, the 4th instant, I shall sail for England on the S. S. "Oceanic", expecting to spend about ten days in London. I hope also to visit Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Paris, and if I can possibly do so, I would like also to spend a day with you at Kidderminster. I will be glad, indeed, to communicate with you after my arrival in London, and if you can conveniently spare me a day, I shall be delighted to renew my acquaintance in your hospitable home. My absence from Detroit this year, unfortunately, must be very limited, so this little trip will be somewhat in the nature of a flying leap from place to place and back to America.

With kindest regards and all good wishes, I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Charles. L Freer

P.S. Please excuse typewritten letter.
M. Tomkinson, Esq.,