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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
April 29th, 1904.

Dear Mr. Webb:--

Your good letter of April 19th is at hand, also the copy of your letter of March 19th, addressed to Mr. Heinemann. I have this day forwarded the correspondence to Mr. Dyrenforth through Mr. Eddy, with request that an answer be sent in my care to London.

Mr. Dyrenforth will gladly reply to your question, adding such other information as may to him seem of use.

I have before me a copy of "The Gentle Art" now being sold in this country by Messrs. Putnam, and I am pleased to say that the following copyright notice appears therein:--

copyright, 1890.
J. McNeill Whistler.
Printed 1890.
Reprinted 1892.
Reprinted 1903.

The Lovell edition also contained the proper copyright notice, not withstanding Mr. Heinemann's contention to the contrary.