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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan
April 29th, 1904.

G. J. Vinton, Esq.,
General Manager, The Vinton Co.,

Dear Sir:-

I have your courteous letter of the 26th instant answering my previous letter regarding the difficulty we are experiencing in the Yondotega garden because of the smoke that emanates from the nearby chimneys. You can rest assured that we fully realize the fact that your smoke stack is not the only one from which our garden suffers, and I have taken the matter up with all of our neighbors. We hope for co-operation and a complete abatement of the difficulty. The fact is, unless the smoke can be stopped, our garden will have to be abandoned.

Thanking you for your promise to help in the good work we have undertaken, and trusting that you will succeed in your efforts, I remain,

Yours respectfully,
Charles L Freer