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row and in alphabetical order. In the space No. 4., which is the wall without a door, eighteen pastels are to be hung. They are the work of the three artists named, and are to be hung in two rows, beginning the bottom row with No. 1 at the left, and continuing consecutively until the ninth picture has been placed in position; then, the second or upper row will begin with picture No. 10 and end with No. 18.

The wood-carvings so kindly lent by Messrs. Yamanaka & Co. are to be hung, as I have heretofore said, in the vacant spaces above the lines of the pastels. Mr. Yamanaka's agent will call upon you, and I hope you will give him every assistance within your power to aid him in placing the wood-carvings in the position he desires them to be.

I hope that the information before you of details will be fully understood. Should you not understand them, please correspond with Mr. J. M. Kennedy, #915 Union Trust Building, Detroit, who, in my absence, will open your correspondence. He is perfectly familiar with all of the arrangements in connection herewith. He has seen the pictures placed in the order I wish them shown, and thoroughly understands the whole plan. As requested by you, he will send you a memorandum of whatever expenses there may occur in connection with the gathering, casing and shipping