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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
May 2nd, 1904.

My dear Mr. Macomber: --

This morning, in looking through the correspondence had with Miss. Birnie-Philip concerning the invitations for the Memorial Exhibition, I noticed her letter, sent with the form of invitation used by Mr. Whistler for his "Ten O'clock" lectures, in which she charged me to be sure and return the card to her. You will recall that the day you were at my house, prior to the opening of the Exhibition, I handed the card to you, to help the Committee in designing its form of invitation. I am wondering if it has been preserved. I hope it has, and if so, will you kindly forward it to me, Care of Brown, Shipley & Company, #123 Pall Mall, S. W., London.

I leave Detroit at four o'clock this afternoon, and sail from New York on Wednesday morning, the 4th instant, on the S. S. "Oceanic".

My stay abroad shall be a very short one, but while there, I expect to spend a few days in Paris, two or three in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and a week or ten days in London.

Can I serve you in any way during my travels? If I can, command me.