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#33 Perry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
May 2nd, 1904.

Dear Mr. Marchant:--
The painting and lithograph by Whistler came last Saturday evening, and I had the pleasure of studying both of them yesterday. They both delight me. The "Harmony in Grey - Early Morning" is really finer than I had even hoped for. It is one of the simplest, subtlest and most suggestive of all his work known to me. As you said, it is a note different entirely from anything in my collection, and I am under many obligations to you for having secured it. How very near in design it is to Mr. Alexander's Nocturne, and,in quality, I consider it equally fine, if not finer. At any rate, it is a rarer note than his.
In two hours, I shall leave Detroit for New York, and sail on the "Oceanic" on Wednesday, the 4th instant. This letter is likely to go on the same steamer with me. 
Hoping for the pleasure of seeing you in London early after my arrival there, I remain, with all good wishes, 
Yours very truly, 
Charles L Freer

William S. Marchant, Esq.,
The Coupil Gallery,
5, Regent Street,
Waterloo Place, 
London, S.W.