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Transcription: [00:09:20]
{SPEAKER name="Wanda Coleman"}
You don't really get a sense of what, you know, of what is happening.

But-but judging from essence. Am I to believe my ears that there is,

that the voices are coming together again and some of the squabbling has died down and black voices are starting to become a chorus again?

{SPEAKER name="Sonia Sanchez"}
I-I think, uh, that people are very serious about the organizing, you know, at this point.

[speaker change]
and well we're going to have a war in Nicaragua, you know that-- was Vietnam that, you know, really, uhm--

it's just the same dynamic all over again. We are going to be sending people off to war. We are going to have a major war in Central America.

{SPEAKER name="Wanda Coleman"}
I mean really. I mean, when-- when you see what is happening and the problem is that you see it all over.

I mean Nicaragua is an obvious one. That the war, that the CIA continues to do in other countries, you know?

And in South Africa and all over, you know? How they control -- literally, control governments. Period.

{SPEAKER name="Wanda Coleman"}
Oh Sonia! [inaudible] -- you know that's tiredness.
Stop and think of my home number, can you imagine?

[[Cross Talk]]