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Transcription: [00:10:01]
{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
That ummm .. blacks could not go to them

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Hhmm mhh

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
and he choose Meridian because Meridian, Mississippi was larger than [[Jackson was?]][[loud noise]] at that time.

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
She became the first black girl at that time. You gotta go?

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
That's alright. You heard all of it.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Speaker 1"}
No, but I gotta go report this accident. I had a slight accident.

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Speaker 1"}
Car, and I got to go and get that reported, when I have that meeting over there site.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Speaker 1"}
He told me we have the same date, you know? somebody told me it's the same date

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
Yeah, yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Speaker 1"}
So I got to go do that. Time for the kids to head home, and then ...
{SPEAKER name="Unknown Speaker 1"}
I'm sorry, I had to walk up

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
That's right, you didn't know mostly this

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Speaker 1"}
I gotta get down, I gotta get down there

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Ok, should we call you later, or ...

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Speaker 1"}
Ohh .. you can call me umm .. after nine this evening

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}

{SPEAKER name="Unknown Speaker 1"}
I have to get on tomorrow

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Talking about the library.

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
Oh yes. So she was teaching at that time.

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
Homeschooling Marie, at the public school. She went to Hampton. I had to go home.

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
A truck--trunk that she used when she went to Tuskegee and Hampton.

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
They allowed her in science school

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
And she came back, and then said, I'm the first negro umm in the state of Mississippi.

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
And I was born in 1916.

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
First thing she did was evidently hand me a book.


{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
I knew I had to take the book to the beauty shop when I got my hair done,

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
And I prayed very hard that I'd marry someone who loved to read

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
Because I didn't want him to think I was lazy when I was sitting down with a book. [[laughter]]

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
Oh and I don't know what to say. Let me get on with what you all were talking about. Cause I didn't-- I could talk for ages.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
It's fine.


{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Umm .. Were any of the-- did you go to the movies at all?

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
Yeah, but let me go back to the beginning. Jackson, should have that, [[??]].

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
Ummm .. We were talking about um...

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
You were in fourth grade here in Jackson?

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
Yeah fourth and fifth grade, yeah. No, fifth and sixth grade, fifth and sixth grade, yeah


{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
This is a new active shooting spot... Anyway

{SPEAKER name="Claire Collins Harvey"}
I don't know, I lost track come on get me back.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
You were um, you said you .. you returned to Jackson?

Transcription Notes:
It is probably Francine who is talking, another person interviewed. Side/quiet conversation between 00:10:18 and 00:10:56 needs to be filled in.