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Transcription: [00:02:20]
{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
--[[anythin' in the area, excuse of farm work??]] park sawmills. They had sawmills. Out in them swamps.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
We would call it-- Well, the wood area, we would call it swamp back then.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
And they would go down there an cut timber, and they would take it up to the little town,

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
as we called it, "Sawmill Quarters," and we still have those up there now; the Sawmill quarters.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
but they don't make any lumber up there anymore. So, we called [[??]]

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
But we had a log train, is what we called it, that would go down in the woods.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
but the trucks would bring it out too the train, you know, where the train could get it?

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
And so they'd bring it into the sawmills.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
And most of the people that went to your church were involved in farming and sawmills?

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Oh, yes, yes, yes. All of those that didn't work at the sawmill, some years up.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
you know like, I said late 10s, 30s, back in the 40s they went to the sawmill back in the 30s and 40s, they worked in the sawmill.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
'cause I lived south in the 40s. And Northern state for 30 years.
Then he came back.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
He came back. Before we talk about the North-- uh,

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Can you tell me, uh, when they showed films--movies in your church

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
the religious movies, did someone come and talk about them with you?
or was it just the film itself?

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Uh, they would talk about it in the church, I would imagine.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
But they didn't come 'round--

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
uh huh.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
--they would come and talk to us 'cause I guess we were too full in between, you know.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
so when they had anything they wanted to entertain us. We usually had to go to one of the churches in the neighborhood.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Right. Did they show the films on Sunday in the churches or another day?

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
Usually it was in [[?]] time.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
During the -- yeah.
And the minister talked?

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
No. I never s[[?]] they talked. They had somebody that would bring the movie, you know, from the little town.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
You know, from Canton. Or from some other town.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
But they-- we didn't have one in the neighborhood. It was way, way, way later years before we got movie theaters wantin to take them [[??]] white.

{SPEAKER name="Marella Mayberry McDavid"}
You know,

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
#Uh huh.