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drawn in a stairway from a print in my book on the manners & customs of the middle ages. Paid my school tax today.

Tuesday Dec 1. 1874.  It has snowed today and I have painted all day on the back ground of my picture and I hope am getting on with it. Took a walk towards evening and saw some beautiful snow effects. Mr. Jonathan Sturgis who was at Clarendon Springs with us died on Saturday night and was buried today. Mayor Havemeyer dropped dead in his office yesterday. Mr. Sturgis was a man of great integrity of character and was one of the earliest friends of American Art. I expected to have become better acquainted with him this winter. He particularly invited me to come and see him and reitirated to Church that he hoped he would be sure to bring me with him when I came down. Received a very unsatisfactory note from Moore to whom I wrote a month ago telling him I must have my money on the first of Dec. He writes that he will probably send me a hundred dollars within a week and the rest when he can. I have written him a sharp letter this evening telling him that if he will send me $150 in a week that I will wait until Jan. 1 for the balance but I have no confidence that I will get a cent of it. 

Wednesday 2 Went to Kingston this morning for the doctor for my father who is quite unwell. Stopped at the Savings Bank and paid the interest on my mortgage to Jan. 2. The rest of the day I painted in the details of the costume of my figure partly from a print of a middle age costume. I think it looks pretty well. Received a letter from Whittredge telling me that my proposition for each of the Academicians to paint a picture for sale for the benefit of the Academy had been accepted and that I had directed he had put my name down for a 25x30 canvas. I also had a capital letter from Eastman Johnson full of sound common sense.

Sunday Dec 6. Wrote to Gussie, to Whittredge and to Eastman Johnson. Spent the evening at Uncle Charles's. Fred and Annie Norton were there. It was raining when I came home.

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