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to dispose of and his object in writing to me seems to have been to know if I knew of any one who would be likely to invest. Also received a letter from Edward Brown who had charge of the Academy sales last year telling me that he had a positive offer, but a very low one for my landscape of "Deans River" 16 x 26 which I painted last year and which was exhibited at the Academy. The price I put on it then was $600. The person who wants it offers $250. I wrote him that he must get pay for the frame $30 and his commission $25 if he could, if not to accept the offer. I find it nice to accept almost any offer nowadays. I never liked this picture and intended to paint it over this winter - Lucy and her children returned this afternoon from Wilmington. Thos. W. Marshall the young artist died on Thursday 10" of Pneumonia at the Association Building.

Sunday Dec. 13. 1874. Wrote a long letter to Tim Mapes. While I was in N.Y. a young man Lincoln D. Wright brought me a letter of introduction from him the first I have heard from him in twenty years. Answered Mr. Secor's letter. There is a promise of a snow storm. Am reading Boswells Johnson. Boswell is very hard on Goldsmith and an uncompromising defender of all of Johnsons ill nature and what is often downright tyranny and ill breeding.

Monday 14. Today I arranged the satin dress on a frame I constructed and have painted all day on the lower part of it but not with the success I hoped for. Have kept it in the same place and hope to finish it tomorrow. It was raining this morning but tonight it is cold and windy. My father is still quite unwell and does not go out of the house. It troubles me to see him so feeble and he is depressed mentally. I wish I could shoulder all his burdens. Old people ought to have no harassing cares.

Tuesday 15. It has been a cold day. The thermometer stood at 8° this morning and is at the same point tonight. The [[Cornell?]] laid up today but there has been no ice in the river here until today. Have painted all day on my drapery but do not succeed. Shall work at it again tomorrow. My father was much better today. Lucy went to New York today to be gone three or four days.

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