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Tribune today. He was a good man, cordially sympathizing with all the troubles and trials of the poor and the oppressed and used his wealth liberally to help wherever he saw need of help. I often wonder that so few rich men help poorer and struggling people. He was my ideal of a really rich man for he was rich in all generous emotions. My mother received a telegram today from Middletown Orange Co. announcing the death of her eldest sister Aunt Esther Bodine. Poor woman, she had a bitter experience with a drunken husband but of late years she was happy and comfortable with one of her married daughters.

Wednesday 30. Painted on the hands in my picture and worried over the accessories for the background without coming to any conclusion. Received a letter from Eastman Johnson in which he says they are to leave Nantucket tomorrow for New York so that they will arrive there on New Years day. Wrote to him to N.Y. this evening. The weather is cold.


Friday January 1. 1875.

We sat up last night and watched the old year out and had a little oyster supper in the sitting room about 11 o clock. Today has been cold and clear, no snow, but excellent walking and a great many calls were made. We had 25 or 30. I called at Mrs. Rousas, Uncle Charles, and Edgar Newkirks and Gertrude, Maurice, Lucy and I spent the evening at John McEntire's and had supper there. Mr. Reid was there. I have painted all day on my picture and have been a good deal confused with the perspective. It will be to my advantage to get the perspective more firmly established in my mind.

Saturday 2. It snowed a little this morning. I took a walk around by the Alms House and found it very difficult walking and besides got pretty wet as the snow turned to sleet while I was out. After I came home I went to work at my picture and corrected the perspective which occupied me all day. Now I am sure it is right. Uncle Charles spent the evening with us. Tonight the wind is blowing a gale from the N.W. Let my father have all the money I had in the bank $130. to pay his taxes.

Wednesday 6. This was a splendid winter morning. After breakfast I walked down to Steep Rocks to see Wm Still 

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