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man than I and I pass lightly by his newly opened grave planning a days pleasure. I read many names on the tomb stones of people I used to know among them poor Mr. Clark, a good honest sympathetic man who loved to help others, yet his children suffer the ills of poverty and his only son died in the poor house. I have seen the seed of the righteous begging bread - Uncle Philip came today, I think his nose grows bigger and bigger. All the family went out for a sleigh ride.- Wrote to Mrs. Winter.

Sunday Jan. 24. 1875. Yesterday was a bright beautiful day, today it has snowed violently all day and tonight it is raining a little. Received a letter from Mrs. Winter and have written her today that I will go down on Monday Feb. 1. Ned Tomkins and his family came up yesterday to see my pictures which I showed them.

Tuesday 26. Maurice and I went up to Jacobs Valley to try to get some minnows for bait to go pickerel fishing and failing there we went to a stream in the swamp near Eddyville but without success. After we came home Gertrude and I took a sleigh ride around by Wilbur, Greenkill & Kingston. Today I have prepared boxes for packing my pictures and materials preparatory to going to New York on Monday. Received a nice letter from Eastman Johnson. Mr. Clark the pastor of the Presbyterian Church called and I was introduced to him. The meadow is most delightful and the winter twilights as beautiful as any thing can be. I have painted a little one and shall begin another tomorrow.

Thursday 28. Yesterday I painted a little winter picture with a twilight sky I saw a week or more ago. Today I packed my pictures and painting materials in two boxes and sent them to New York by express. After dinner I took the train and took my Mother, Mrs. Davis, Lucy & Jamie and the baby for a ride. We intended to take a long ride but it began to snow very hard after we started so we went up to Eddyville crossed the bridge and came home by Capt. Andersons and Port Ewen, having had a charming ride and seen beautiful sunny effects.

Friday 29. Today has been spent in a variety of occupations preparatory to going to New York on Monday and I have had the half melancholy feeling all day that my work is done here for the winter, my work that has interested me so much and has been an important part of my pleasant home life. The older I grow the more averse I become to changes and I half lament the necessity which compels me to go to the city to face so many anxieties and uncertainties. It is undoubtedly better for me that I am obliged to go but I cant help a longing for the time when it will be for my interest as well 

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