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that had accumulated since Nov. 1. Some of which needed answering. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Council of the Academy where we were kept until nearly 12 o'clock.

Tuesday Feb. 2 1875. Eastman Johnson whom I saw last night at the Council called about two o'clock and staid until nearly six looking at and discussing my pictures. He seemed to be interested in them and apparently thought I had accomplished a good deal. I feel quite satisfied with what he said for I think that my work on the whole made a good impression on him. Went over to Vauxs and after dinner Bouyer and I went to Wallacks to see the "Shaughraun" Bourccicaults [[Boucicault's]] play the character of the Shaughraun being acted by him and most excellently. I enjoyed it very much. 

Wednesday Feb. 3. It has rained hard all day and the streets are rivers. Have staid within doors with a headache but have managed to not have a severe one. Vaux came in and spent an hour and while he was here Mary and Sara came to look at my pictures. The secretary of the Chicago Academy called. A few men in Chicago have raised five thousand dollars with which to buy pictures of the New York artists if they can get them at low prices so as to sell them at a profit the proceeds to go to the Academy. I offered him my Hudson River for $125 without frame but he seemed to have no power to buy and wanted me to send it to Chicago subject to their decision which I declined to do. He came without any credentials but had plenty of Western business capacity I should judge. Wrote to Gertrude, a note to Girard and one to Bayard Taylor, who many told me was in town on Monday. 

Friday 5. I was so ill yesterday that I sent for Dr. Joslyn who prescribed for me and today I am well again. Went up to Eastman Johnsons this morning, which was very cold, and staid until 10 o'clock. He showed me his summer's work but he doesn't seem to have done a great deal more than I have. I was encouraged to find he makes mistakes as well as I do. He gets some of his heads too big and some too small for the bodies. When I came back found Girard waiting for me. He lunched with me. Bayard Taylor had been here and left an invitation on my slate to come and dine with them on Sunday. Mr. Craven called with a Mr. Jones and his daughter. Dined at the De Forests. Church and his wife were to have been there but they did not arrive until after dinner. 

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