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the usual Council meeting and wrote to Gertrude afterwards. It is still intensely cold. The mercury marked on our hill Monday morning at 8 o'clock zero and at Coykendalls 7° below so that the cold is greater below the hill by six or seven degrees a fact I noted last winter. Did not leave my studio until this evening when I called on the Greys and found them all at home. Wrote to Gertrude. 

Wednesday 17. Sam Coykendall lunched with me today and quite to my surprise bought my picture of "Geneva" which I let him have for $400 he paying for the frame. He would just as readily have given me five hundred but I wanted to let him have it rather cheaper than I would have sold it to a stranger. I am to keep it for the Academy - Joe Tomkins dined with me and we went to see the Shaughraun. I think Arnott as Kinchela isn't half appreciated. His part is a most arduous one requiring a world of nervous force aside from a knowledge of character and no one seemed to applaud him. It is a bitterly cold night although today for a time the weather moderated. Joe liked my "Burning the Christmas Greens" so much that I told him to take it and pay me as he could and he has decided to do so. The price is $250 he to pay for the frame $18, so I have done some business today but have no money. Wrote to Gertrude. 

Thursday 18. Still cold. Took a walk and then began my Academy picture an Autumn composition based on my Vermont studies. The size is 24 x 42 and I painted the sky with the palette knife. I am going to try for more solidity of painting. Thompson called and while he was here Bellows came in. They both seemed quite struck with my last landscape. Bellows said it was the finest sky of mine he had ever seen. Joe Tomkins dined with me. We went over to Vauxs and I invited Sara to go up home with me on Saturday. Wrote to Gertrude. 

Friday 19. Received a letter from Gertrude. On my way uptown to get the doctor for Hannah who is sick I saw Eastman Johnson on his way out to see me. We walked down together and talked for an hour or more on Academy affairs when we went up to see Whittredge. Eastman is as sick as I am at this idea of begging for the Academy. Painted on my picture in the afternoon and answered Mr. Cleamaters letter in which he apprised me of my election as one of the Vice Presidents of a Kingston Literacy Club, and which I had mislaid and forgotten. Joe Tomkins dined with me and 

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