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we went to Booths Theatre to see Henry 5" It pleased me very well and yet after all what satisfaction I get out of these stage effects is rather forced out of me. What I like is good acting. Reginald is well enough but not great. The Fluellen of Frederick Thorne Bishops Pistol particularly.- The cold wave seems to have passed for tonight it is very mild and raining a little.

Tuesday Feb. 23. 1875. It rained hard here all day Saturday. I commenced a little water color picture a copy of my last picture and a little after three started for home. At the station I met Sara and Joe Tomkins who had also concluded to go home for Sunday. When we got to West Point we began to get snow instead of rain and before we got to Rhinebeck the storm had cleared off and the moon came out. The storm had been snow there and about a foot had fallen. Maurice met us at the station and drove us over on the ice. The snow remained on all the trees and the moonlight effects were magical. The baby was greatly disappointed that I had not brought him anything and went immediately to my valise which he insisted upon my opening in the hope of finding something. I was so sorry I had not got some trifle for him. Sunday Maurice took us for a delightful sleigh ride. Pa, Sade, Lucy, Jamie and me. We went around by Steep Rocks up the Flat-bush road and crossed over to the Saugerties road near Flat-bush church and crossed back again through the woods and came home by the Alms House. Just near the Alms House we met a sleigh with four rugged man and three or four poor children going to the Alms House, evidently some family worked to the last extremity, no wife or mother, nothing but rags and wretchedness. It was a comfort to know they would be carefully and intelligently cared for. - Monday we returned to N.Y. It was a cold morning. Mrs. Davis came with us on her annual pilgrimage to Brooklyn. The mercury at our home at 9 o'clock marked 7° above. Capt. Tremper told me at the station that in Kingston it was 5° below zero early in the morning. In New York it was warm. I spent the forenoon in attending to some errands. Ordered a frame for my water color and left directions for sending Joe's picture. Had my hair cut too. Painted in the afternoon on my large picture. Had a call from Mrs. Carter. Received a telegram from Eastman asking me to come up and dine with him and go from there to the Council meeting which I did. We had a hard time 

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