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room when I had to hurry off to the Academy to the meeting of the Fellows. By this time it was raining and it was one of New Yorks worst nights. Of course the Fellows didn't come, with the exception of Sherwood, John A Weeks, Cyrus and Richard Butter and Pinchot. We had an informal talk and appointed a committee of fifty fellows who are to be called together again. I did not get home until midnight.

Tuesday March 2" 1875/. Mrs. Carter called to see if I would allow her to write about my pictures in Appletons Journal. Chuck came in and wanted me to go to see Henry 5th with him. He dined with Heade and I dined alone after which we went to the theatre. Wrote to Gertrude. Received a letter from Major Wilkinson

Wednesday 3. Called on Gray this morning. His picture of the "Birth of the Flag" is very fine, one of his best, and Gray is excellent at his best. I was delighted to see him sustaining my high opinion of his powers. Sara called while I was breakfasting, and we walked up Fifth Avenue together. It began to snow and has snowed all day and tonight one of the wildest storms of the winter is raging, with a gale from the N.E. Moore came in this afternoon and was voluble in his praise of my pictures. He was meek and I was kind. He bought two little pictures for $200. A winter twilight looking over Kingston from the Alms House Road and a little Wallkill Valley sketch. He wanted me to promise to paint him two more pictures from two of my sketches but I was not willing now to do it. He is to pay me on Friday for these pictures. If he does not he will not get them. Dined with Hall Terry Mr. Taylor & Mr. Lawrence at the Arlington where we had a very nice dinner. From there went to Marys who came from Rondout today. Spent the evening there and came to my studio and wrote to Gertrude. Chuck and I called on Hayes who is confined to his bed. It is found that the cartilage between two or three of the vertebrae has sloughed away and he has an iron frame fitted to his back to keep this from moving so that they may grow together. I understand it will take a year but I fear he will never be well again although his physician says he will and he has had a great many 

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