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with us and after dinner we went up and called on the Boardmans. Judge Hurlburts three daughters were there. 

Monday March 22" 1875. Returned from Rondout at noon where Gertrude and I went on Saturday in the midst of a snow storm. Maurice met us at Rhinebeck and the ride over the river was as bitterly cold as any ride I have taken this winter, but it was so pleasant at home. The baby went directly to my valise and asked for the "dolly" It had snowed there all day. Sunday we had a family dinner in honor of Pa's seventy fifth birth day. Uncle Charles and Aunt Christina and Johnnie and Nannie were there and we had a charming social time. Last night was very cold, the Freemen this morning said the mercury was at zero. It never looked more like the depth of winter there than now. The ice is as thick in the river as at any time this winter. We came down on the 9.44 train Lucy came with us. It is very cold here. The Council of the Academy considered Giffords protest against discarding from the Exhibitions pictures shown at the Clubs. It was found on consultation with our lawyer that all power of deciding these matters rests with the hanging committee, rather a startling and unwelcome conclusion for the friends of the new order of things. I have always doubted the constitutionality of the measure while I recognize its value to the exhibitions if it could be enforced. 

Tuesday 23. Got my pictures ready for the Exhibition. I send this year "Autumn" belonging to Francis H. Weeks. "Paestum" belonging to Henry Holt. "Geneva" painted this winter and belonging to S. D. Cuykendall and "Saturday Afternoon" (24x42) painted especially for my Academy picture. We dined at the Wheelers where we met Professor Boysen a Norwegian writer. He left early to go to hear Restori. He struck me as having a very naive simple nature in the short interview I had with him. The weather is very wintry and the ice in the streets is thick and solid

Wednesday 24" This was the last day for sending pictures to the Academy but it has snowed so that my pictures have not gone. This evening it is warmer. Wrote to Buffalo for my picture, to Van Dullp, to B. F. Butter for Mrs. Booths address and a letter to Alfred Booth. Have not been out of the house today which is not right. 

Thursday 25. My pictures went to the Academy. [[strikethrough]] Beard [[/strikethrough]] Hall told me that Gifford had refused to send his pictures, because as I gathered the Council did not rescind the rule relative to pictures shown at the clubs. 

Transcription Notes:
. Paestum was an ancient Greek city. Ginerva - old Italian story