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the East door and Mr Weeks' picture in the large room on the North side. One of the liveliest things there is a head by Neal which I would like to own. Went from the Academy to attend the funeral of Mr. Crane in Madison Avenue

Wednesday Apl. 7" 1875. All day at the Academy, it being "buyers day" day Snowed hard when I went up. Not many people there in the morning but more in the afternoon. Had the pleasure of selling the first picture, Wards, to Robt Gordon. Fifteen or twenty pictures sold among them happily for me, my "Saturday Afternoon" for $1250 to a Mr Borden who also bought Whittredges "pic nic"  Gertrude and I attended the Reception this evening which was a success socially. All seemed delighted with the collection and there was a renewal of the old enthusiasm  Hall and Cropsey had a row about the hanging of Cropseys picture and Bierstadts hanging Miss   picture after the other galleries were hung irritated him still further so that he behaved and talked unreasonably. He tried to quarrel with Hicks and with me if I had given him the least encouragement when the fact is we are on his side as against Bierstadt. I am afraid Hall with his impulsiveness will get himself into trouble for he loses all control over himself

Thursday 8. Eastman and I on the invitation of Judge Beech one of Tiltons counsel attended the Beecher trial today. It was intensely interesting to see Beecher on the witness stand. He seemed to me like a great frank, good natured boy who had been imposed upon and had put [[?]] to the full. His denials of important points in Tiltons and Moultons testimony were most earnest and impressive. Tilton sat there the incarnation of pride and conceit driven to the wall and fighting for life. I had a glimpse of Moulton, a most forbidding face and my only wonder was that it could have ever won the confidence of a man like Beecher. Was very tired when the court adjourned at 4. Rode out to see Girard and his wife but they had gone out visiting.- Wrote home and to Mr. Huntington acknowledging the receipt of his order for half fare tickets for Lucy from Omaha to San Francisco.

Monday 12. Went home on Saturday. Sara and Gertrude went for the deacon. Sunday was a most lovely day the snow nearly all gone except here and there a patch. Ice still running in the river but disappearing 

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