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as first officer on the Columbus and went down on Sunday. I trembled for him for he was in no condition to go and in a long talk I had with him I advised him not to go as he would certainly not be able to retain his position. However he has gone. A letter from Girard tells us he saw him on Monday engaged in his new duties and the ship sailed on Tuesday. What a blessing it would be to him and all of us here at home if he could only summon resolution enough to enter upon a new life in a profession in which he could soon acquire distinction. I have been at work for two or three days making some book shelves which are finished and are very successful. We finished putting the large room in order today and it is very pretty. I wrote to Mr. Weeks to come up as soon as he could when we would go on our trouting trip. 

Sunday June 13. 1875. It rained last night after a long drought and today is like an autumn day with a brisk wind from the north and cool enough for a fire. We have been busy all week getting the parlor and our room in order. The parlor is very pretty and we enjoy it. I wrote to Frank Weeks to come up whenever he was ready and we would go on our trouting excursion. I had a telegram from him last night that he would come up Monday by the 4 P.M. train. We are going to the head of the Rondout. Wrote to Lucy and to Susie. 

Thursday June 17
[[strikethrough]] Friday June 18 [[/strikethrough]] Mr. Frank Weeks came up on Monday evening and Tuesday morning we started for Griswolds on the Rondout leaving here about 8. and arriving there a little before 8. P.M. The distance is 16 miles to Shokan. 5 miles to Watsons Tannery. From 3 to 3½ miles through the gulf to the first of the falls, but we went around by the mill fully 5 or 6 miles. 4 miles from the falls to Griswolds. A fire had swept through the woods two or three weeks ago and destroyed two bridges. We were obliged to lead the horse around and carry the wagon over the ruins, a most difficult feat. Two men happened along who assisted over the last bridge and then told us we might have avoided both of them by driving through the stream. We found the places on our return and came without difficulty. We found the Griswolds just as usual. The old lady said she had been looking for me. We got there 

Transcription Notes:
. First syllable connected with beginning of word on previous page.