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if I had received the books and saying good bye.

Thursday Oct. 28. 1875. Sara returned from her visit to Mary yesterday bringing Juliet with her. I spent the entire day making a box and packing Lucys winter clothes which were sent today. Painted this forenoon on a little picture I commenced before I went to Shokan. We left Shokan at just about the right time as the weather has been fickle and variable ever since. 

Tuesday Nov. 2. Election day. Voted the regular Republican ticket in spite of the blandishments of the Reform Democrats. I prefer the party whose record has been good in trying times to the men who were faithless during the war. I am not ready to trust them yet. It snowed Sunday night and Monday morning the mountains were white and the ground here was covered with a thin coat of snow. My mother and Julia Vaux went down to Marys on Monday. The Literary Society met at Julia Dillons last night. Dr. Frisselle read the essay on the "Conservation of Vital Force" very well written. If I can acquit myself as well I shall be glad. Recd a letter from Eastman Johnson mostly on Centennial matters. His suggestions are good and practical but unfortunately he is not to be in town to help carry them out. 

Sunday Nov. 14. Went to New York last Saturday (6"). Pinchot invited me to dine with him at the Union League club to meet a Mr. Stebbins from Paris. Whittridge and Gifford were present. Had an elegant dinner. Mr. Stebbins has just paid Matthews $50,000 for six French pictures (one by [[?]]) to take back to Paris. After dinner went around to the monthly meeting at the Century. A full meeting and I met a great number of my friends among the rest Stedman whom I have not seen for more than a year. He was delighted to see me and kissed me on both cheeks. It was pleasant to be welcomed back so warmly by so many people. Taylor was there too and very cordial as he always is. Sunday went up to his apartment and sat an hour with him Dick Stoddard came in. Like his old self, though I fear from all I hear Lizzie is pretty bad. Julia Vaux at Taylors Church came in the Afternoon to my studio. While he was there Pinchot came in. Church called me to the door as he went out and invited me to dine with him at the Breaux. Pinchot came to look at my pictures. Wants to get one or two small ones for a wedding present. Did not decide but would come next day. Dined with Church. While we were at table the Bierstadts came in and sat at another table having two friends with them. Mrs. B. [[?]] to me. Church had his back to them