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meeting that has been held so far. I was frightened for the first two or three pages of my reading but got over it and read easily. At the close I was complimented more than I deserved by an audience only too ready to give me more credit than I was justly entitled to. Staid over Monday on account of my cold but enjoyed being at home very much. We sat in the big room. Had the new stove in our room and our stove in the hall so that the house was pleasantly warmed all over. There were fine storm effects and splendid distances from the windows and it was swell to be at home. Left this morning. The river full of ice and navigation fitfully kept up to Rondout. Been out all afternoon getting Christmas presents. The Danger Signal went Saturday to Robt. De Forest and yesterday he sent me a check for it $550 including frame - less than half its worth - but no matter. Had a note from Edwd. Brown who called to see me while I was out today inquiring my price for my picture at Union League - presumably the October Snow. Sent him a note this evening to ask what picture he refers to.

Thursday Dec. 16. 1875. Brown came to see me about the October Snow. Said someone had inquired about it. Told him I would sell it for $800 and if was offered less he need not entertain it. Dined with Gifford to meet George Coale and Jas Carly Coale. George is his old enthusiastic self and can hardly allow any one of the party a word in edgewise. Today opened an account at the Metropolitan Bank. Have been at work on another study for the Wilson picture which does not please me Sam Cuykendall and his wife called. He bought my little November picture, above Steep Rocks, for $200 for a Christmas present for Mrs Cornell. 

Monday Dec. 20. Went up to Marys Saturday. It was very cold but I had a very pleasant visit. Took a walk Sunday with Calvert and Downing on the Palisades They have a large Franklin and we sat by the wood fire and had a good time. I was delighted to see how thoroughly they enjoy living there. The mercury was down to zero last night. Calvert and I came to town this morning. The weather has moderated since. Went out this afternoon and bought some Christmas presents, a beautiful table cover for Gertrude at Cartiers and some things for Julia and Bonyer. Attended the Council this evening. A full board but little business. Suggested as a means of raising money for the Academy that we invite Taine over here to lecture for us. Was appointed a committee to get information on the subject. Eastman Johnson came over after 

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