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not possess the harshness of criticism, yet we cannot refrain from speaking of the acting which pleased us most. Mrs. McEntee's queenly dignity fitted her for her royal part, and we doubt if in all the city one could have been found to better fill that role. It seemed easy and natural for the company to turn toward her as their "beauteous queen," and her acting in the various phases of grief and joy was magnificent. Unfortunately she was suffering from the effects of a throat difficulty which left that organ in a somewhat delicate condition, but her singing was fully in keeping with her acting. The next most conspicuous female part was that of the haughty Zeresh, in which Miss Anderson shone resplendently. There can be no doubt in the minds of those who witnessed last night's performance that she possesses rare dramatic talent. She has an ease and appropriateness of gesture, an expressiveness

The audience are also very much pleased with the music provided between the acts by Prof. Tetsch and Mrs. Weber, all of which was decidedly meritorious.

Members of Rondout Esther Chorus.
Miss Celia Coen,
Miss Sarah McEntee,
Miss Gussie Hayes,
Miss Minnie Coen,
Miss Nettie Johnson,
Miss Mary Buntin,
Miss Hannah Carpenter,
Miss Louise Dearstyne,
Miss Carrie Lane,
Miss Kia Hilts,
Miss Anna A. Crane,
Miss Jennie M. Phillips,
Miss Mary Stebbins,
Miss Nettie Stephan,
Miss Susie Everson,
Miss Annie Rodie,
Miss Georgia Lambson,
Miss Fannie Noyes,
Miss Loretta Mauterstock
Miss Sarah Mauterstock,
Miss Mollie Ryder,
Miss Jennie E. Randolph
Miss Lucy Hathaway,
Mrs. Joseph Powley,
Mrs. A. Austin,
Mrs. Mary Derrenbacher
Mrs. Libbie Nauert,
Mrs. C. H. Snyder,
Mrs. S. W. Powley,
Mrs. S. O. Folant,
Mr. R. S. Van Wagner,
Mr. A. Austin,
Mr. Tracy Stebbins,
Mr. Ernest Jarrold,
Mr. Henry Snyder,
Mr. C. W. McKown,
Mr. Marius Turck,
Mr. Will Rodie,
Mr. Jan. Hasbrouck, Jr.
Mr. Melvin Stevens,
Mr. Geo. Jarrold,
Mr. W. D. Hale,
Mr. Fred. Stephan, Jr.,
Mr. Maurice Stephan,
Miss Ella Van Hoesen,
Miss Kate DeGroff,
Miss Belle Overbaugh,
Miss Maggie Trumpbour
Miss Lena Stephan,
Miss Georgia Deudney,
Miss Annie Becker,
Miss Lottie Anderson,
Miss Mary Aldrich,
Miss Kate White,
Miss Hannah Low,
Miss Lottie Edmonds,
Miss Ida Weaver,
Miss Anna Douglas,
Miss Emma J. Hotaling,
Miss Lizzie Hornbeek,
Miss Sadie Crosby,
Miss Lizzie Powley,
Miss Laura Powley,
Miss Carrie Staples,
Miss Allie Staples,
Miss Sarah J. Stephenson
Mrs. Jervis McEntee,
Mrs. E. W. Knapp,
Mrs. B. Frank Stevens,
Mrs. Josiah Dubois,
Mrs. Grove Webster,
Mrs. Isaac Hotaling,
Mrs. M. Turck,
Mr. Henry M. Crane,
Mr. H. S. Terwilliger,
Mr. James Hillyer,
Mr. Frank Stevens,
Mr. Geo. Hasbrouck,
Mr. Geo. Johnson,
Mr. J. L. Powley,
Mr. G. R. Adams,
Mr. S. O. Folant,
Mr. Henry Deudney,
Mr. Seely W. Powley.
Mr. D. B. Eighmy,
Mr. Geo. Benjamin,
Mr. Seth Staples,
Mr. Austin Thompson.

QUEEN ESTHER, Mrs. Jervis McEntee
MORDECAI, The Jew, Mr. C. W. McKown
MORDECAI'S SISTER, Miss Fannie Noyes
PROPHETESS, Mrs. Libbie Nauert
HIGH PRIEST, Mr. S. W. Powley
QUEEN'S ATTENDANTS, } {Miss Jennie Phillips
{Miss Susie Everson
JEWISH MAIDENS, } {Mrs. S. W. Powley
{Mrs. Grove Webster
{Mrs. Nettie Stephan
AHASUERUS, King of Medea and Persia, Mr. R. S. Van Wagner
HAMAN, Overseer of the Realm, Mr. H. M. Crane
ZERESH, Haman's Wife, Miss Lottie H. Anderson
IDA, Haman's Child,. Miss Libbie Stephan
QUEEN'S PAGES, } {Miss Mattie Weber
{Miss Annie Staples
KING'S PAGES. } {Master Willie Winter
{Master Percy Van Wagner
MAGI, Wide Men of Persia, } {Mr. Seeley W. Powley
{Mr. Melvin Stevens
{Mr. Austin Thompson
HARBONAH, Mr. A. Austin
HERALD, Mr. G. R. Adams
HEGAI AND SCRIBE, Mr. George Jarrold
KING'S GUARD, } {Mr. J. L. Powley
{Mr. Frank Stevens
Choruses of Persians, Choruses of Jews, Chorus of Medean Maidens, Israelites, Medeans, Persians, Heralds, Etc.

Pianist, ... Mr. A. H. TEN BROECK

The elegant Concert Grade Piano used at these entertainments is from the celebrated manufactory of CHICKERING & SONS' and is furnished by Mr. H. M. Crane, Rondout.

Prof. Julius Tetsch and Mrs. Ther. Weber have kindly volunteered to furnish overtures and selections between acts as follows:
Opening Overture, "ALLESSANDRO STRADELLA," Fr. von Flotow
Overture, "PIQUE DAME," F. von Suppe
Andante, from "MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM," Fel. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Tournament March, from the "OPERA OF TANNHAUSER," Wagner