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at Mr. Gordons party to go to Philadelphia on Monday on the occasion of opening a new line of Mr. Johnsons rail road. He did not invite me although I talked with him for some time, still I think he intended to as he told Hicks he had asked me- My relations with Mr. Johnson, while they are entirely friends would not permit me to assume any invitation as having been given, while I feel quite sure he did not mean to omit me.

Sunday 12. Went to hear Mr. Frothingham on the vices of the hour in which of course he handled the Belknap business. I thought his view of the decline of moral sentiment hardly sustained. I believe people in the aggregate are always better than they were a year ago - Spent the evening at Mrs. Joys. It was a rainy evening and the conductor let us out at the wrong St in the dark and we wandered about unfinished streets for a time - The house is very pleasant and she has it furnished in great taste. I dont know what Mrs. Stoddard mightnt have volunteered had she been there. 

Monday 13. Attended the Council. We got on very harmoniously, are careful in our expenditures and the schools are in a sound and promising condition. If the factious elements would let us alone we would soon put the Academy in a sound foundation. 

Tuesday 14. We dined at Bayard Taylors with McDonough and had of course a delightful evening. Mr. Waite son of Justice Waite and his wife came in in the evening. He is editor of the International Review, is a graduate of Hamilton and knows Alice Sawyer and many of our friends. His wife is a remarkably pretty and he seems a bright agreeable man. 

Wednesday 15. Went to see Eastman Johnson about Rachel Carle. Was not in but met him. Had proposed it to his wife who as I expected would not entertain it. Pinchots "Winter" for the Centennial came yesterday from New Haven and Cuykendalls "Frosty Morning" this morning. Mr. John Weiss and his daughter called with Mrs. Bigelow. We dined with Fred Norton and Annie to meet Mr & Mrs. Winterton. I was detained at the Centennial meeting and we were a little