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send down to the cook and Mrs. Johnson took it and hurried down and wanted him to follow. He lingered a little and winked to me and remarked in his dry way that he thought it a favorable opportunity to take a little himself and that it wasn't best to lose ones presence of mind even under so great a stroke as this. Wrote to Gertrude, to Sara, Church, Roberts sending my bill &c. Went up to Bayard Taylor's in the evening. Murat Halstead was there. After a little Stedman & his wife came in. We left together and they insisted on my going in to Mrs. Grotes Sunday evening reception. Osgood was there. Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge. Mrs. Harry Breen and many others I did not know. After a little Joaquin Miller came in. He acted as though he were drunk but I finally concluded he wished to attract attention by an affected eccentricity. I took a great dislike to him. Bret Hart was expected. It would have been amusing to have seen him and Miller together for Hart cordially detests Miller.

Monday Apl 10. 1876. Painted all day in Mr. Hoes picture of Venice which I have greatly improved. He came in in the afternoon and saw it and seemed pleased with it. Perry sent a demand for a meeting to adopt a policy for the Academy to the council. He is impossible.

Thursday 13. Sara came down on Tuesday and stayed here. Perry came in to see me about the call for a meeting and I took occasion to tell him just what a nuisance he is. I spoke with the utmost plainness. He however keeps his temper and says no matter what you say. Yesterday I wrote to Gertrude. Sara and I went to the Academy yesterday morning and from there to Hoboken to call on Mrs. Pychuska. Sara went to Arnie Nortons where Julia Dillon is staying. Gussie came in. The first I have seen her since she has been in N.Y. Went to Matt Morgans variety theatre last night. It was a most dreary bit of nonsense. Sara and I went to see the Rivals on Tuesday evening. It was pretty good but I missed Brougham in Sir Lucius O Trigger. The weather is getting warn and spring like. Gussie came in yesterday. She has been residing in the city but I have not seen her before. She went up to Marys this afternoon with Joe who was there also a few minutes 

Transcription Notes:
Murat Halstead was an American newspaper editor