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Wrote to Booth. Some Albany people came in with Guy the Artist. They own a little picture of mine. I was out all forenoon waiting to see Mr A. T. Stuarts funeral procession. The streets were crowded with people and the men in his employ who walked in the procession would have made two full regiments. Now I am very curious to see how such a man who has no living relatives will dispose of his vast wealth. I wish he would leave the Academy a couple of hundred thousands.

Friday Apl. 14. This is good Friday. I always know it by the cross buns Mrs. Minter sends me for breakfast and should have known it in no other way as I have not been out of my room until this evening. Sade went up to Marys today and is going home tomorrow. I am going out to Uncle Philips tomorrow to be back Monday. Have been painting on Hoes Venice and have it about down church was in to see me if his picture couldnt be accepted here but I told him it was impossible without the whole committee being together but that I would try and let him know in time before we were called to Philadelphia again and he could have it sent on then. He is willing to do anything but Osborne who owns the picture is pushy and there really is no need of sending it on until just before the galleries are ready. Only I gave him to understand it must have the approval of the committee.

Tuesday 18. Went out to Uncle Philips by the 8 A.M. train and arrived there about 6.30 Saturday via Clinton and Clarks Mills. It was a gusty squally day and there were frequent storms. The Mohawk Valley was flooded, and the country was like a wet sponge. They were all very glad to see me. Sunday Tom and I walked over the farm by the aid of over shoes to see the improvements he is making. We found a tree where we cut our names on the bark more than thirty years ago. They have some domestic squabbles but on the whole I think they are prospering. I came away yesterday Tom taking me