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Odell left today, and a friend of Sara’s a Mrs Anderson arrived but left again this evening. Mr. Ten Brook called to see about giving the Belschassan this winter. Had a nice letter from Eastman Johnson and am delighted to hear that he is coming to town about the middle of October. I immediately wrote him a long letter full of gossip and all about my trip to N.Y. The weather is cool and autumnal.

Wednesday Sept. 13. 1876. Took a walk up to the "Keykout" in the forenoon, hoping I might see something to suggest a picture but did not. I am suffering from great anxiety and I think the most of my trouble comes from not being able to work. I seem incapable of producing any thing I cant help assuming the troubles of others and it really seems as though almost every one I knew was in trouble. The Roosas are in a dreadful state. Poor Dewitt Rooxz came up this evening and poured out his miseries to us. How the poor fellow keeps up under them I don't know only that he is young and to young people the future is wide and hopeful. I tried to paint a sketch of a sky in the afternoon but did not succeed very well. Sara & Laura went to West Point.

Thursday 14. Went to Rondout to get some rigging for my old Franklin which we intend to put up in the parlor. John McEntee told me that Arnold was very disagreeable to him and threatened to take his work from him and John thinks he is going to build a foundry. He feels a little discouraged about it. We had a talk about the Roosas troubles and also Capt. Abby's and we both concluded that it was the part of wisdom to try to make provision for old age.

Tuesday 19. We had a heavy rain storm on Sunday and the papers say considerable damage was done throughout the county. Yesterday we put 

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