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said such encouraging things about the picture I had just finished and about the general improvement in my later pictures that I feel quite encouraged knowing as I do that he is not entirely contented in his mind. Mary came in and she and Calvert dined with me. While we were at dinner Eastman Johnson came in. Just arrived from Nantucket. I was very glad to see him although he could not stay long. Fred Sawyer called in the evening and after he went I wrote to Gertrude and to Mr. Bachelder. 

Thursday Oct. 19. 1876. Attended the wedding of George Bakers eldest daughter at Trinity Chapel this morning. It was a bright beautiful morning. Eastman came in to see me and in the afternoon he and I walked up to Reichards new Art Gallery in 5" Avenue and had a little talk with him about American pictures and gave some reasons why we thought it worthwhile for some one to deal in the best American Art. He seems a prudent pleasant man but I do not think would be able to do much. We are more and more impressed with the fact that we shall ultimately have to get some dealers to interest themselves in our work or we shall sink out of sight. Mary went to Rondout today to spend a week. After dining alone I went up to Eastmans and spent the evening. They are going to the Centennial tomorrow. I fear I shall not be able to go again but do not mean to grieve about it. I regret that Gertrude could not see it more in detail as she is so much interested in all that is to be seen there. Did not write to her this evening as I shall go home on Saturday. Had a bright cheerful letter from her today, which made me happier. 

Friday 20". I awoke this morning with a most unhappy and discouraged feeling which seemed to take entire possession of me in spite of all efforts to resist it. I feel as though some great misfortune were impending and I cannot help dwelling upon the future with doubt and apprehension. After breakfast I walked up to Putnams to see about taking my two little pictures out of 

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