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Called on Clara Field at the Haight House. Mr. Field was absent at Stockbridge. Wrote to Gertrude, Lucy, Mr. Winter about my registry and to Stedman asking his number. I wish I could record that I am contented. I am far from it and cannot shake off my anxieties. Received a letter from Gertrude cheering me as she always does with her love and sympathy. I wrote her in as contented a mood as I possibly could. This morning I went to look at the pictures on exhibition at Leavitts. The most of them were very unsatisfactory and showed what meretricious art the people like. Ecosura's pictures are hard and disagreeable to me in spite of the good opinion he has of me. 

Monday Oct. 30" 1876. Went up to Marys with her and Julia on [[strikethrough]] Wednesday and returned again Thursday morning. Thursday evening Calvert [[/strikethrough]] Thursday evening. Calvert joined us at the train. He and Burger and I had a nice walk Friday to the upper end of the Palisades. The weather was cold and windy. Calvert came to town Saturday but I remained and did not come back until today. Saturday we had a snow squall. Charlotte Olmstead was visiting here and on Sunday Haven Putnam and his wife came up and spent the day. Mary and Calvert are very hospitable in their limited quarters. I had a good quiet time there and was in pretty good spirits there most of the time. I found awaiting me here such a satisfactory letter from Booth to whom I wrote a fortnight ago at San Francisco. It was the very essence of unselfishness and nobility of soul. I had written him my anxieties and he answered immediately to tell me not to worry, that he would be here in a month and would see that I got along with my money matters. I know it would be a real pleasure to him to relieve me from trouble for he has a lively sense of my disinterested friendship and does not forget how I stood by him in his trouble. He speaks so appreciatively of me and my pictures that it is a great satisfaction to me to re-