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Wilsons and at Platts. Received a letter from Gertrude and wrote to her. 

Thursday 16. Have painted all the week on my picture and am getting along nicely with it. I will soon finish it. Went to hear Dr. Draper's inaugural lecture before the Chemical Society at Chickering Hall and afterwards went to the club where I met Calvert.

Friday Nov. 17. Booth came in just before my dinner time. I was delighted to see him and caved in when I tried to express my gratitude for his kind letter. He put his arm about me and was as gentle as a woman. He is but for having me do the character subjects and I am going to begin on Tuesday. I told him it seemed audacious in me to attempt it but he thinks I can do it. He staid here a long time and we talked about everything.

Tuesday Nov. 21. Went home on Saturday. Sunday was a stormy day and I was delighted to be at home Monday was very stormy. I came down by the 12. o'clock train and got here about dusk. Everything was forlorn and I was as homesick as I could be. Went to the Council meeting. All these meetings are very distasteful to me and in fact I am as unhappy as I can well be. Booth came and sat to me as Richard 2." I am to try my hand on a series of pictures of him in his characters, to which he has urged me repeatedly seemingly having entire confidence in my ability to do them. I distrust my powers in that way but still I am going to try. I made a very good beginning but tonight feel more anxious and uncertain about it. Gussie, Laura, Julia & Mr. Osman came and we all dined together. The young folks went to see Booth in Hamlet and Gussie & I to see the Shaughraun.

Monday 22. Eastman called and I walked home with him and had a long talk mostly on how we should go to work to get our pictures more before the public with a view to sales. Gussie, Laura & Mr. Osman went up to Rondout. Mary came just before Gussie left and she and Calvert & I dined together and went to Mr. Frothinghams to a Fraternity meeting. I had a letter from Gertrude and