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Mr. Stillman and his brother called again today and looked at all my pictures. He had bought the Boughton and said if he had seen mine first he would have bought it.


Jan 2. (Tuesday) Went to Eastman Johnsons to dine on Saturday. Phil was there. After dinner we three went to the Century where we had a very pleasant time. Sunday morning went up home by the Wallkill Valley. Fred Martin joined me at the depot. Met Mrs. Evans in the train going up to Goshen where her mother in law a very old lady was ill. She had a note for Tom who was in Kingston which we promised to deliver so that he could come down by return train. Found our train with Gertrude waiting for me at the station. Drove up to Kingston and delivered the note to Tom Evans, left Fred Martin at Julias and reached home about 3 o'clock. I had rather a heavy cold and was very ill all Sunday night. Staid in bed all day yesterday under Saras treatment and only decided at the last moment to come to train today as I had an appointment with Booth tomorrow. Fred & Annie Martin came down with Laura & me. and Lily & Aunt Christina came with them to remain as Julia is going to shut up her house and rent it in the spring. They all feel very badly at this breaking up and I confess I do. Pa had a telegram announcing Uncle [[strikethrough]] Charles [[/strikethrough]] Thomas's death on Saturday. The changes will